Bone broth is rich in collagen & amino acids that help to nourish the gut lining and improve symptoms associated with a 'leaky gut'. It stands to reason then that if bone broth helps to heal the gut lining then it also helps to boost the natural workings of the immune system as all is one.
Bone broth is high in vitamins and minerals & contains amino acids, glycine and glutamine which help to promote healing to ligaments and joints making it a powerful repairer involving these conditions. Chondroitin sulphates and glucosamine help to reduce inflammation associated with joint pain.
To offer the body the environment to switch from an inflammatory state to a balanced state can be done not only by the rich components in bone broth but the ritual of doing so. The never ending benefits of adding bone broth as a morning ritual or along side a meal can help to heal in more ways than one.
Below is my recipe tried and tested many of times and each time I seem to feel that I am about to nourish myself with the 'elixir of life'.

- 2kg of organic beef bone, knuckles
- 2 celery sticks
- 2 carrots
- 1 onion (quartered)
- 1/8 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 1 tspn peppercorns
- Himalayan/Sea Salt
- 1 bay leaf
- Filtered water
1. Roast bones in oven @200°C for 30mins (This helps to bring a beautiful flavour).
2. Place bones in slow cooker or large pot.
3. Add carrots (quartered), 2 celery sticks, onion (quartered), 4 cloves of garlic, 1 tspn peppercorns, 1 bay leaf & 1/8 cup Apple Cider Vinegar. I recommend Bragg organic Apple Cider Vinegar (The ACV helps to draw nutrients out of the bones effectively).
4. Cover with filtered water making sure the bones are completely covered. Leave standing for 20mins before bringing to the boil. Turn to low and leave for your chosen time.
5. Slow cooker place on ‘Low’ for 12 hours. The water will evaporate slightly so keep adding water to cover.
**MY TIP: keep adding 1 TBSPN apple cider vinegar every day, especially if leaving for the full 48-72hours. This will help extraction process.
6. Depending on how much you want to labour your love leave for at least 48hours and 72 if you are really game!
7. Strain the elixir into glass bottles and keep in fridge for 5 days and freezer for 2 months.
8. Have 1 cup in the morning heated with a pinch of Himalayan salt on an empty stomach.
I have done all 24, 48 and 72 hours and I can contest to the richness that the longer you leave this the better! There is some information stating that histamines will be released the longer you boil but that is why I recommend using organic bones and you will not have this issue.
By having a small amount of this elixir every day you are helping to heal your own gut with the nutrients in the elixir. It’s not about the amount, it’s about the process of doing this on a consistent basis.

If you look at this process and think 'no way am I doing this'! Then there is another way. Here are two brands that I absolutely love for their organic dehydrated bone broths. For cooking I recommend
And for drinking & cooking I recommend
Both are certified organic which is extremely important due to the cooking process. Alas there is always a way! Enjoy!